scribblegraph Bookmarks s1
Free downloadable scribblegraph bookmarks (series 1) for people who read books

scribblecrush and the oddities
scribblecrush are quick little love-notes, usually anonymous and on cheap paper.

Halloween (a Wes Craven tribute)
I don’t know how I hadn’t shared this old watercolour scribble; it’s a fun little tribute to Wes Craven & lover-punkins’ everywhere.

Huffington Post
Illustration for HUFFINGTON POST

The Sea-Hare
“Sea Hare” 15x40cm “The Sea-Hare” – an exercise in dimensions and deep sea exploration. 15x40cm on Arches cotton. This idea came to …

Origins • It was never just the illustrations I was sharing; it was large pieces of myself. And for a long time now, I have kind of been in pieces. Well, I’m back together, and I’m feeling that I might be ready to start sharing my scribbles and myself again.

“Wood” illustration Friday
“Wood” • for illustration Friday, week of April 15-21. This week’s theme evoked a strong image in my mind and I decided to get involved in the weekly challenge. Trees and water are two of my favourite things to draw, perhaps because they’re two of my favourite things in life. I could quite happily live in a tree house out n a forest somewhere, far off the grid – and spend my days in a nearby ocean with fish to talk to and a kraken for a guard dog.

Her Dark Materials
Recently, we were packing to head over east on a little holiday and someone needed a book. They had recently caught up to where Robin Hobb has left the Farseer series and asked me for something new. I suggested they follow Robin Hobb with Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials, and they are devouring it. They now have a strong desire to meet their daemon… haven’t we all:)

Whale of a lie
WHALE OF A LIE • I utterly abhor this continued charade that the Japanese are whaling in our oceans in an effort to advance science; it is a ridiculously transparent fabrication.

Support Class DH-8 Rep Droid
The DH-8 Support Class Rep Droid Alpha Fleet is a premium solution offering from DreamHost* that directly addresses the needs of the modern website. Technology has come along rapidly and, with the advent of the fully self-aware website, there is a need for a full suite of services available to them at any time.

Dream house
These scribbles of a dream house or two, a car and a few hidden pets were done for financial adviser Eleanor Dartnall; winner of the 2014 AFA Adviser of the Year award. They have been used for various promotional material and as elements of a website.

The Pilchard and the Mouse
The Pilchard & the Mouse (or) Mr Cod’s nasty headache Yesterday I posted ‘Bunny & the Butterfly‘ and it was the cause …

Bunny and Butterfly
Today is one of those days where I should be drawing many other things, but when I took the cap off the pen, nothing I wanted to to draw came out. Just other things. Bunny and Butterfly isn’t anything I meant to draw. These things happen.

Birthday Boy & the Reluctant Rover
I received an email this week about Dr. Lacerant; a wonderful, gnarly old scientist who celebrates his birthday today. I’m told that many moons ago he had a dog, a dog he sent it up into space in a rocket made entirely out discarded tin cans.

A very permanent scribblecrush
This is one of the earliest ‘scribblecrush’ illustrations (originally posted on Google+) – the tattoo artist has done an amazing job improving the art and making it suitable for a more permanent canvas.

Easter with the Egg Bunny Army
Pte. Edward Hare of the Royal EBA (Egg Bunny Army) is one of many young rabbits busying himself this week with Easter preparations. He, with several other highly trained bunnies, is on security detail in the Master Egg Room where the year’s supply of rotund cocoa-based treats is stored; some 50 feet below an oak tree beside the vegetable patch.

Piggy in the Middle
A little bit of piggy in the middle… of the week! Hello Wednesday, you horrid thing. I’ve been having enormous dramas with the site lately – it’s sluggish and impudent. The menus don’t do anything I tell them to, and all the posts are higgledy-piggledy. Not to mention all the images that have taken off on the hoof; I can’t find them! Gallery after gallery just… gone.

London Stationery Show · April 1st & 2nd
London Stationery Show, April 1st & 2nd 2014 – Artline will be on Stand M709. Come along for your chance to win a signed scribblegraph print! And make sure you say hello to Grace who will be there to tell you all about Artline pens. Ask about the “EK-231” for bonus points!

the Ides of March scribblegraph Wallpaper Pack
Normally these would be filed away under Members Only Downloads – however, I’m well sleepy after a stupendously gluttonous birthday feast, and I’m still not in my right mind. So, I’ve decided to just give these away to anyone & everyone who wants them.