the Ides of March scribblegraph Wallpaper Pack
A free pack of lovingly illustrated PC wallpapers from the scribbler.
The personal computer is dead. That might come across as the techno-telligent super-statement of some self-assured RAM-junkie. In fact, it’s far more literal than that. What I’m saying is: my personal computer’s last legs have finally collapsed. My PC is Kaput. Finished. It has buzzled its last sparklet. It has experienced a mortal keystroke. It’s CAT5 is in a sack at the bottom of a shallow river, surrounded by rock-ballast. It has taken a Thelma & Louise style hard drive off a cliff. None of this has any meaningful use in this endeavor, namely being the giving-away of these scribblegraph PC wallpapers (includes a previously unpublished illustration) which find themselves suddenly and dramatically homeless.
Normally these would be filed away under Members Only Downloads – however, I’m well sleepy after a stupendously gluttonous birthday feast and I’m still not in my right mind. So, I’ve decided to just give these away to anyone & everyone who wants them.
Of course, If you’re feeling lovely – I’m not above letting you know where my donate button is. I rarely use it, and it took me nearly an hour to find the little blighter – but here it is. If you enjoy my scribbles, please consider donating:) Illustration is not something that earns the big bucks by any means, so any donation is so very appreciated:) Paypal donations link
Enough! they cried. Give us the wallpaper!
Well, even if you can’t donate today – there’s no charge for wallpaper! It’s free. In fact, please email them to all of your friends and family, especially the ones that are: book publishers, advertising or owners of publishing companies with HUGE budgets, CEO of multi-media & games studios… etc etc. Download them below!
- Scroll through the below gallery to the image you want
- click: View full size 1680×1050 in the bottom right
- Right click & save as
5 scribblegraph wallpaper files – 1680 x 1050 JPG

These JPG wallpaper files are offered for free because I’m all about sharing the joy I find in silliness. However, copyright is retained in full. These images may not be used in any way other than as wallpaper on your PC. If you are some advertising executive who thinks these look smashing and would go down a treat in a customer’s campaign, hows about you open your cheque-book & shoot me an email. Please support independent artists; don’t drive them into the ground:)