Halloween Twenty Thirteen

This is a brief introduction to Belladonna Bubble, Miss halloween Twenty Thirteen. I would like to tell you that Belladonna Bubble is a good girl, or at least that she has a good heart even though she is quite often less than good. Neither of those things is even remotely true. Belladonna Bubble is the reason we lock our doors at night. If we forget, she would put poison in our muesli, and coat the bacon with slug slime. At halloween, she likes to give the children rabbit-dung liquorice… the really yucky one with salt on it… but that’s a whole other can of worms.
I’m about to pack a bag and race off to the airport for a week in Sydney. Australian summer is here with force; out of control fires are raging across much of New South Wales. Tomorrow’s forecast is 37C and wild wind, and I really have no idea what the week holds in store for me, so I’m not sure when I’ll be able to share my next scribble! Hopefully before the halloween festivities begin in earnest: I think it is my favourite time of the year to scribble!
Drop by my twitter feed and say hello; I’ll let you know when I’m safely on the ground!