Festive FUGU!
The non-traditional Christmas Sea-Meat Treat. Rich in tetrodotoxin!
Christmas Sea-Meat Seasonal Treat!
My travels take me to wond’rous strange places at times. I was researching rare delicacies from far away lands when I came across this Seasonal sea-meat. Absolutely fascinating! A single 325g freeze-dried packet is soaked in water for 2 minutes, then oven-baked to produce a roast that will easily feed a family of eight.
For best results, stuff Festive FUGU! with “Yuletide Yams” before roasting. Your neighbours will be so jealous!
WARNING: Festive FUGU! is rich in delicious tetrodotoxin. Please contact your local morgue and enquire about the availability of beds prior to consumption.
This is available for you to send to friends and family as a meCard.
[product id=”271″ sku=”MeCard-FestiveFUGU”]